Karelian birch burl wood. Size 30x40x130mm. Set of 10 pcs


  • Set of 10 pcs
  • Dimensions: 30 x  40 x 130mm; 1.18 x 1.57 x 5.11 in
  • Ships worldwide
  • Perfect for creating pen bodies, hidden tang knife handles, and traditional puukko knife handles.
  • Provides strength and workability for exceptional quality.
  •  Sourced sustanably

Availability: In stock


Karelian birch burl wood, sourced sustainably from Estonia. With standard dimensions of 30x40x130mm. This exotic wood is perfect for artisans and crafters who want to add a touch of luxcury to their work. Ideal for making pen bodies, hidden tang knives handles, and especially traditional puukko knife handles. This wood is ultimate choice for any valuable DIY woodworking project.

Curly birch, well known also as Karelian masur birch, features stunning grain patterns, giving your creations a distinctive visual appeal. Whether you’re involved in knife making, pen turning, or other custom crafting, Karelian birch burl offers the durability and workability you need for creating something exceptional..

Weight 1500 g
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